Ep. 1: We’re Best Friends Now

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Episode 1: We’re Best Friends Now, 01/22/2021

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Thanks so much for listening! If you’re hard of hearing or prefer to read instead of listen to me cluck, I’ve got the transcript to today’s episode and track list below.

SWDW Ep. 1 Transcript

Hey, what’s up, friends? Happy Friday, I’m Sally and I’m literally just chilling in Detroit, Michigan where it’s currently cold as fuck. It’s snowing, it looks pretty beautiful but I’m really happy I’m not out there. 

You have somehow miraculously found yourself listening to Sally Whoever Does Whatever where we’re going hang out every Friday, God willing, and chill for like 20, 30, maybe 40 on your way to work, drive home, while you get ready for the day...or whatever you’re doing--I’m not trying to spend the whole day with you, I’m just trying to kick off your weekend on a good note.

Okay and full disclosure, this was recorded before Inauguration day so if some nasty shit went down and I don’t speak to it, let’s just pretend that here in this space it did not happen, we’re just having a good time, good day—capitalism, these Qanon cultists they’ve all skipped into hell together.

Anyway, today I plan to play you a little music— just vinyl right now because I don’t know how to DJ digitally yet but maybe eventually? Really I just wanna chat with you about whatever because I can do whatever I want and this is my time, so I’m going to.

I’d also love at some point in this show to bring in some friends, I have so many creative people in my life, you guys know who you are, I really am enamored with all of you and would love to chat with you guys as well. And if you’re a creative and wanna promote yourself, hit me up—my only caveat to having you on my show is that a) I have to care about what you’re doing and b) I get really introspective so I might hold you to that standard as well. I’m a deep lady, let’s get real.

So, I’ll get real first, I’ll go start. I recently quit my job as an Registered Nurse, I was in Case Management. I was really like sick of working in chronic health and I really missed working in reproductive health which is what I was doing before. And also like, having serious burnout.

So, I took a step back, I’m focusing on my creative projects, and I’ll return to nursing soon but right now, I’m just focused on this space and as far as Sally Whoever Does Whatever goes I just wanted to do something in the radio/podcast arena for quite a while. You know, I have a little background in radio and journalism and I really wanted to use it. That’s probably a story for another day as well but we’ll go from there. 

At the end of the day, I’m really just wanting to make something that I can share with my friends; so if you’re listening to this—we’re friends now. I really don’t care if we’ve had beef in the past or if you’re a hater and you’re just listening for like intel or some shit—if you have made it this far, we now love each other, it’s all good, we’re best friends forever now, so you can deal with it, okay bitch? Sounds good.

And if you found my show through my Instagram and we haven’t met in real life, I actually really love social media, so we’re homies now, enjoy!

Okay, really though, I do actually really love social media. I know that it’s like  super toxic and I’ve had my fair share of you know drama, internet stalkers, yeah yeah I see you out there, bitch. But I hope you’re ready to be my friend now.

Do you guys remember when Instagram replaced, like this was recently, Instagram replaced the “like” button with like straight up a shopping page? Like that’s some super super capitalistic shit, they just took away the “like” button and now it’s a shopping page.

But also, I kind of love it? Because now all of my favorite small business stores and stuff are in one page, which I kind of love? I also kind of like getting those ads that are super tailored to me based on my browsing history. It’s like I will search “why am I so depressed?” and suddenly I’m getting all these advertisements for these really cute pill boxes, and now I have this adorable pink pill box sorter for my Zoloft and my probiotics, and, you know what, I’m happier and healthier because of it.

I may have a shopping addiction, actually. But I feel like these algorithms really understand me so that’s kind of nice. 

I’ve also met a ton of super amazing people on Instagram and Facebook, including an entire group of friends that I literally talk to daily. The craziest part about that friendship group is that we met in this Facebook feminist group—I mean maybe back in 2015, 2016, I feel like when, you know, he whom will not be named was running for presidency or something—and everyone was like, especially white ladies, we were all getting super excited about helping out and doing what we could to unlearn this toxic shit, so we were in there and I met all these gals but we eventually uncovered like a scam where a woman in the group was like stealing money from people, asking for donations for like different things, she like...it’s a story for another day, honestly. I feel like there is so much to it. Women are the best detectives and it’s such a good story. I’m gonna have to do some serious interviewing to get you that whole one.

I’ve also met friends on Bumble BFF, which is like the dating app but for friendships, and those relationships have been pretty fulfilling for me. 

Is it still taboo to talk about making friends online? I feel like with Tinder and everything we’re all like talking about dating online but I don’t know if we’ve gotten there yet with friendships. But, I’m not really, I don’t know, afraid to talk about it. Of the two close friends I’ve made on Bumble BFF, one is super open about it and the other is like “can you just tell people we met in the neighborhood.” I’m down for whatever.

I guess I’m not personally afraid to talk about having online friends or these relationships online because I’m just such a fan forming relationships in general and creating spaces and, I don’t know. It doesn’t bother me.

I was a Tumblr girl before Tumblr went down the drain with like all the bans on nudity and all of that stuff, like I loved Tumblr. Now that Instagram has kind of taken on the role of being like a sad bitch’s mood board, I’m fully on board with Instagram now but you know, I would say I’m a veteran. 

I’m really just having a good time, I’m vibing on Instagram, I’m having a great time on socials. And no, I have not seen the Social Dilemma on Netflix and I don’t intend to watch it. I’m not trying to have all my fun fucking ruined, okay? 

At the end of the day, I’m just like living my life here and I’m trying to be seen as a whole person...There’s this quote by JT Firstman, who is that comedian on Instagram who was doing all those impressions during quarantine. Who by the way, none of us would probably know about unless social media existed. He was interviewed by “The Cut '' and he had this great quote, he said, “What I want more than anything is to be fully seen. It’s never enough.”

Whew. Lordy. That is a quoooote. My God. I’m, you know what, that’s me, I am just trying to be seen fully as who I am, at the end of the day. That’s all I want.

Okay. Let me play some music now. And you might be thinking why? Why listen to Sally when I could literally turn on Spotify and listen to the same Four Tet album over again?

Well, I think because it’s something the algorithm didn’t create for you and, you know what, I think that’s kind of fun. Also, I have really great taste.

Okay, I’m going to play some easy listening today because why the fuck not—this is Sally Whoever Does Whatever and I do whatever I want, okay? You can read the transcript of this episode on my website at sally-rashid.com and get the track list on my Instagram; follow me  @sally.whoever. While you’re there on my Instagram, please leave me a comment and let me know what your first AIM screen name, Tumblr handle, or email was; 

I really want to like figure out if can glean like some information from you based on it, and if you guys do that I will let you in on what mine was when I chat with you next week. 

Alright, here we go, hope you like the tunes, Happy Friday, friends.


Love ya, thanks, friends.


Ep. 2: 7-Year-Old Rhinestone Cowboy