Ep. 10: A Type of Magic


Episode 10: A Type of Magic, 03/26/2021

On today’s episode of Sally Whoever Does Whatever, we celebrate making it halfway through Season One, announce the final show on May 28th (it’s gonna be extra special, I promise), and talk about being mindful of your negative thoughts. I update you on my recovery as a workaholic and spin some seriously chill shit including a veritable bop off Rocksteady Disco’s Social Distance edits from 2020.

Before you go and take a listen, what are you proud of yourself for accomplishing recently? I turned down a really great paying full-time job, because I’m promising myself part-time only for now. Wasn’t easy, but I’m glad I did it.

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Episode 10: Extras

Season One Spotify Playlist!

Listen, I know you can’t always be listening to these mixes, so I’ve put together a Spotify playlist for you heauxs to check out in between episodes. I’ll update it weekly, when I feel like it, so check back!


Ep. 11: You Do Not Need to Have an Identity Crisis in Office Depot


Ep. 9: I Set a Bunch of Shit on Fire