Ep. 3: Irresponsible Lady About Town


Episode 3: Irresponsible Lady About Town, 02/05/2021

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Episode 3: Extras


Moe BPM is a producer, DJ, and MC out of NYC. He describes this project as “the result of a stream of consciousness & burst of creativity received during the lockdown of 2020.”

Give Moe some love (listens and $$$) over at bandcamp.

“abstract” is a 9 song volume of compiled beats and rhymes written, produced & performed by moe.BPM, co-produced & written by cheddasharp & d9’ice.Tracks “inner healing” and “still dream” featured on today’s episode of SWDW.

“abstract” is a 9 song volume of compiled beats and rhymes written, produced & performed by moe.BPM, co-produced & written by cheddasharp & d9’ice.

Tracks “inner healing” and “still dream” featured on today’s episode of SWDW.

Alright, friends, transcript to today’s episode and track listing below.

SWSD Ep. 3 Transcript

Okay that’s the stuff, nice and dreamy for you this Friday. Oof; my friends. You feeling good? Feeling ready for the day? For this, the first Friday of the Month of February, Two-Thousand Twenty-One? If not, don’t worry, I’ve got something for you and I think you’re gonna like it. 

Those intro vibes were provided by my dear friend, the very chill, DJ, producer, and, I’m gonna call you an MC, Mr. Moe BPM he’s out in New York City - miss you buddy, and so does Detroit, I can just feel it. I’m gonna play another track of Moe’s off of his seriously just delicious July 2020 release later on. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. But I’ll come back to that a little later.

Anyway, what’s up? Welcome to Sally Whoever Does Whatever - it’s a show where I do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want because I spent way too long not doing what I wanted and now I’m in therapy. So there, okay, I’m happy about it.

God, that kinda makes this sound like a 40-minute long temper tantrum. But you know what, actually, I’m okay with it. I am who I am. And what I am just happens to be A LOT. Anyway, glad you guys are here, glad you could make it, tell your friends, and tell them by word of mouth because they’ll trust you more. Or tell them on Instagram and maybe they’ll click, I don’t know, but let’s see if they’ll join us. 

Okay now that that’s out of the way, I have to say that all that talk last week about good parties and dancing has me feeling super sad and nostalgic. Like, going out and getting sweaty...I miss it., like a lot Part of me didn’t want to talk about covid at all on this show, kinda as a world building choice, like I really wanted to create a place for us where we didn’t have to even think about it, it didn’t exist and we just get to have a good time 24/7. But I’ll be honest that shit just isn’t sustainable if we’re going to be real friends, people. It’s just not.

The reality is that this is a shitty situation, it sucks, I’m over it, waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. A bitch needs to complain and I guess that means you get to hear about it once in awhile. Sorry my friends, but thanks for letting me vent. 

Before March of last year,  I really loved going out to eat, going bar hopping, out dancing and just being a general irresponsible lady about town. I love getting into trouble. I miss discussing social sciences or like debating with people across the bar, I love befriending girls with boring boyfriends at parties and giving them a good time. Which is what I was doing the weekend everything got shut down and I remember because we were all reluctant to go out, like was this thing gonna be in Detroit, like is something happening here as well, because we had heard about it in New York, but you know things were just starting to come to light here in Detroit. And we went out and things were eerie. Like half as many people as normal, like some places were straight up empty. I mean I think my brain was super struggling to grasp the seriousness of it all at that point. I definitely had this sense of, “I need to party one last time, is this for real?”

And almost a year later, yup, it’s real--a real pain in the ass. And just devastating in so many ways; I’ll be honest, that this whole situation had a real impact on me leaving my last nursing job. I work and live in my community and going through the initial covid crisis while it not only ravaged my family because it was there, we were dealing with it, but also my patients were going through it, they had relatives with it. I live in one of hardest hit zip codes in Detroit. It was really tough, it was really….it was traumatic and there were times that were really, really dark. 

But still had anybody asked me back then whether I was an introvert or an extrovert...I would have said introvert, still. But now I’m kind of feeling like, damn, am I wrong? Am I actually an extrovert? Maybe I’m just much less introverted than I thought. Maybe I’m just craving human interaction like everybody else and that has nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted, I’m just missing out on like normal human social things, that we need. I don’t know but I’m really seriously trying to figure it out.

I’m just like obsessed with knowing more about myself. I think that’s why I love Jung-Meyers Briggs and Enneagram, Astrology, which I know people will judge me for, but I love it. Anything that can give me like some peek into what the fuck is going on in here and I’m super happy about it. But you know at the end of the day I will say, I think in the end I’m more introverted because I’m still cancelling phone dates with friends, like I’m not seeing them but I’m cancelling phone dates because “it’s too much.” Which to me is kind of crazy, but that really just reaffirms that I’m an introvert. Also, I can’t even get myself to be on camera, for like video. I have been like trying to get myself on Tik Tok--Are we tik tokking? 

I’m trying to figure that out. I have for sure noticed a lot of people using it more, sharing content from Tik Tok, and I’m like... “Should I be tik tokking you guys?” I’m too scared, I need a performance anxiety workshop first. Okay? I’m scared, of being on camera, somebody help me. 

I’ve also noticed though with this whole Tik Tok thing, a lot of people who were, at the beginning of last year hating on Tik Tok last year, are now AT LEAST sharing content that was created there. And it’s just so funny and ironic...it’s like you look kinda silly now after months and months of hating on it. Now, just sharing it like none of us remember. I mean you at least as silly as these kids doing these ridiculous dances. At least that much. 

I’ve also just noticed people being a lot more willing to record themselves talking in Instagram stories and what not; like I’m just so stuck in being afraid of that and also how do you have so much to talk about? I guess I have to save everything I think for here. I don’t know how you would come up with enough content to do videos every single day. Every time I have a thought my first reaction is like “Wow, you should tell that to no one, ever.” 

But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about trying to get better about allowing myself to talk on camera! Again, if you do a performance anxiety workshop, come to me. I need to not turn red every time a camera turns to me. And I just want to do something because I’m bored at this point. Like, I’m so bored! I’m running out of things to do in my house. Okay, that is kind of a lie, like I’m definitely reading a lot more and I’m here...so that’s something I’m doing. I’ve also been watching a lot of murder and crime docs which is definitely something that’s new for me.

I was never one of those people who were obsessed with this stuff. But I know so many people who are and I rely on them to tell me which shows I should watch and which I don’t need to watch. There are certain ones I do really like, Murder on Middle Beach, that’s on HBO, it’s pretty interesting...Some of the smartest women I know are people who are into that whole My Favorite Murder Podcast all about true crime - and that podcast’s following is HUUUGE. Which like damn, we definitely don’t need just need cops. We just need Karen and Georgia from My Favorite Murder. That’s it, they can solve mysteries that way, okay?

In prepping for this episode, I read a couple articles about why people are even interested in true crime in the first place. Basically, what I came up with was that...psychologists basically believe that it’s a way for us to safely explore darker worlds but from the comfort of our own homes. I feel like there is more to that, like some sort of sick fascination, I don’t know. If you’re obsessed with this stuff can you comment on the episode 3 post because I really want some insight, I need to understand this. I need to! And I don’t want to be judgmental but I definitely hold some sort of judgment about it...especially if a man is obsessed with serial killers or true crime he’s into it for research purposes. Okay, as far as I’m concerned. Like if you are a man with a favorite serial killer….I am worried about you. Oh my God, that’s gotta be so judgemental? I promise this is coming from a place of love and also a fear of being murdered. 

I briefly was seeing this guy for a little bit who was super into true crime and he also started shit talking his mom pretty early...which like everyone has a mother wound, we are all healing this trauma our moms caused, even if they didn’t mean it, but if you start talking about that, that early also paired with being into stories about murder….I’m just doing to back away for my own safety. Last I heard, I think that guy started doing comedy actually, which is kinda funny, so maybe it was similar to me, like maybe it was a coping mechanism. I don’t know Isn’t all comedy born from trauma? I don’t know. It’s just my safety, I’m gonna pass on it, please don’t murder me. And, again, if you’re into it and you’re not a murderer, I would love to hear your perspective.

I don’t know if any of you watched the Night Stalker documentary on Netflix, another one of those murder things, but OH MY GOD, he was a murderer with GROUPIES. If you didn’t watch it, you don’t need to, just picture a really awful serial killer...but he’s in his mid-twenties and slightly handsome in some lighting. He had a ton of like cute female followers who would show up all dressed up to his trials, like they would send him pics and stuff in prison. Like what the hell is that about, girl get the fuck out he does not love you, he wants to murder you. You need to run away. You cannot save him. For the love of God, no.

I cannot believe I just went on such a long tangent about true crime, wow. My bad, I’m just bored. You know, I live in Detroit. I’m not really here for picking up outdoor hobbies when it’s 25 degrees out. I’m just not made for this weather. I think I’m gonna become a snow bird as soon as possible, like live here in the summer and winter somewhere warm where I don’t have to freeze as soon as I walk outside. Maybe then I’ll pick up some outdoor hobbies, for sure! Like, walking hiking, when it’s nice out and I don’t have to wear 16 layers, totally into that. But, if I’m gonna walk out and my face hurts, I’m just gonna stay inside.  

But, no, yeah. I’ve definitely been seeing lots of people getting into old hobbies, which I think is great! Allowing yourself time to re-learn things, suck at it for a little while, I think that’s been one of the benefits of this whole covid situation, spending time being okay with being bad at stuff again. At the end of the day, keep doing what you love, we have to, right now we really have to rely on every tool in our toolbox to get through whatever comes next because as we’ve seen it’s just been one thing after another. So, we need to stay resilient and that means doing what makes us feel good. 

And you know, here I am hopping back in the mic after a really long time. Sometimes I suck at it, but I love it and it’s fun and I’m happy to be here! So thanks for joining me.  

Alright, are you guys ready for some music? Because I think it’s about time, I think we’ve talked about serial killers enough and I think we should move on. 

I’ve got some good stuff for you today, I can’t wait. I’m gonna pop back in a little bit and chat a little bit longer, but for now, let’s get started.


Daaaamn, that track is so sexy. Every time I hear it, I mean every time, it just gets me, man. That is Baby Girl by Eddie Logix, a jam for you from the 313, I think, he could be 248, I don’t know. Let us know, if you know.  I bought this record in April or May of 2020 actually so right at the peak of all the trauma I mentioned before.  It was delivered via skateboard, which was kinda nice, by Mr. Peter over at Rock Steady Disco, so it kinda holds a special place in my heart. You know, you don’t forget when something is delivered to you by skateboard. 

Also I know I kind of glossed over that earlier, but Spring of 2020 was pretty traumatic for me for a lot of reasons and for the community here, so I really value anything great that happened during that time. Basically, getting into this record was something that was very valuable for me. So, I’m happy to share it with you guys today.

Anyway, what’s up guys? Thanks for being here, I’m really proud of you for making it through, you’re still looking for ways to find joy which is a big deal because it is really easy to wallow right now. So, if you are doing anything above wallowing, man, I am proud of you. If you’re stuck in wallowing. I feel you. Don’t worry, I have faith, things are gonna get better.

Alright, I’m gonna leave you all with one last track, it’s called “Still Dream” by the homie, Moe BPM. You can get his July 2020 release, “Abstract” on BandCamp, it’s an 18 minute mixtape of original tracks and I think you’re really gonna like it.

Moe has these dulcet vocals, they’re really soft and syrupy--sticky and kinda sweet with lyrics that are sometimes a little bitter too. This lil’ baby is medicinal at moments, it feels disorienting sometimes, moody but always, after a full listen, really fucking healing. I think you’re gonna like it, I’m excited to hear what you think.

And it is Bandcamp Friday, so you know, every penny you spend on artists goes back a little deeper into the pockets of the artists themselves. So please, do me a favor, and show Moe some love. I think you’re gonna love it.  Honestly, it’s so good, I can’t wait to see what else he comes up with because this one really got to me. 

Alright friends, you guys have a great rest of your weekend, have a great week after that. I hope I see you here next time. Thanks for joining me.


Ep. 4: It’s a Vibe (Not a Fun One)


Ep. 2: 7-Year-Old Rhinestone Cowboy